Senate Bill Would Ban Dwarf Tossing
It's nice to know, that while the federal government is in a partial shutdown, our state lawmakers are busy continuing to make America an amazing place to live. Fixing the problems that are really having an effect on the normal day-to-day life: crime, high prescription prices and DWARF TOSSING!
Washington state Sen. Mike Padden, R-Spokane Valley, has introduced a bill that would ban dwarf-tossing contests in bars & strip clubs.
“There’s nothing funny about dwarf-tossing,” commented Padden. “It ridicules and demeans people with dwarfism, and causes others to think of them as objects of public amusement. Even when participants are willing, it exposes them to the possibility of lifetime spinal injury. Dwarf-tossing is an offense to our sensibilities,” Padden said.
The legislation applies to any contests or promotions involving adults are 4 feet 10 ior shorter, and is set to go to hearing with the Senate Law and Justice Committee at 10 a.m. Jan. 31.
If you would like a little video about dwarf tossing pros and cons, check it out below.
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