I read an article on the web site yourtango.com about porn addiction, by the way they have a lot of articles related to this subject there. I found a kind of cheesy video about a guy named Timmy who gets addicted to checking out women's ankles... and I wondered how many of you are reading this simply because I put porn in the title? Anyway according to the web site here are the top 7 signs you're addicted to porn!

  1. You're Anti-Social
  2. Have a hard time getting being intimate with others
  3. Lying to your partner
  4. Only get turned on by porn stars
  5. You're fixated on how you compare to porn stars
  6. You are only able to get turned on with erotica
  7. Your expectations about sex are unrealistic
  8. You've watched anything Octo Mom is in.

Don't know if this will help anyone but it was fun to type! Enjoy the cheesy Timmy video!



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