Summer means job search for many young people. The summer job is a time to gain extra spending money or work experience. Timed with the current labor shortage, many employers are desperate to hire, so now is a great time for younger adults to enter the workforce.
A southwest Idaho student shared a photograph of an image captured in the sky near Boise that shows a bright, round, unidentifiable object. The individual contacted the National UFO Reporting Center and filed a report.
If I were the owner of this over $2 million, 5,845 square-foot property, I'd have to have horses in the backyard, an armor-clad mannequin perched on the roof, and one of those long, wooden dining tables that could seat a small army of knights.
I had a bat once get stuck in my windshield wiper while driving down a rural dirt road late at night. I didn't take the encounter as any sort of bad omen