Columbia River

Crazy Boat Wreck on the Columbia River [VIDEO]
Crazy Boat Wreck on the Columbia River [VIDEO]
Crazy Boat Wreck on the Columbia River [VIDEO]
This wreck happened last summer,an off-duty Hermiston police officer fishing with co-worker  and friend   they soon realized the other boat was not going to stop and had no other choice but to jump!! This happened near the mouth of the Columbia river...
Dad Takes Elderly Man and Toddler on Jet Ski Doesn’t End Well
Dad Takes Elderly Man and Toddler on Jet Ski Doesn’t End Well
Dad Takes Elderly Man and Toddler on Jet Ski Doesn’t End Well
What started out as a fun day playing on the Columbia river nearly ended in tragedy when 42 year old Jose Vargas set out on a personal water craft with his 3 year old daughter and his 89 year old father, somehow all 3 riders ended up in the river and had to be rescued.
Best Places to Swim in the River
Best Places to Swim in the River
Best Places to Swim in the River
I see a lot of people swimming next to the boat ramps in Columbia Park and Howard Amon, but those places are kind of gross. Here are the four best family beaches for swimming in the river:

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