Newest Camping FAIL Stories – Send In Yours to Enter for Cool Gear From Washington Hardware
It's Friday and the end of week one of our contest. Hopefully, on Tuesday we'll have a load of new stories from Memorial Day Weekend to share. We want you to send us stories and photos of your camping FAILS. We'll pick a random entry to win two camping chairs, a lantern and a Lodge-brand dutch oven from Washington Hardware and Furniture in Kennewick to use on your next trip (which will hopefully not be a FAIL). The winner will be announced June 4. Standard contest rules apply.
Here are the newest stories received Thursday and Friday:
When I was in 6th grade we had a mandatory campout on which we had to bring a mountain bike and ride the most ridiculous ride… I ended up going down a bumpy road and lost control of my bike. (I was taking photos of the scenery as I was riding). As I flew over my handlebars and landed face first on the dirt and gravel I happened to snap a picture, which is unfortunately not available as my 6th grade teacher decided to put it up in his class with the caption, "Bike Ride Fail." To make it worse, other classmates rode by laughing at my butt in the air and face in the dirt. The rest of the trip was miserable with the pain in my body and to my pride.
About three years ago we went to our usual camp spot… We settle in for the night and about 2 hours later there is a lot of branches being broken behind the tent. Whatever had been making the noise made a quick move, running into our tent. Once the noise moved away from the tent, I looked out of one of the windows to see a very large black bear tearing apart the fire ring. At about this time my wife is telling me that she is getting wet… In the morning I find that the bear had stepped on and dug at the walls of the drainage ditches from the springs, sending all the backed up water into our tent. Our tent had also moved about 4 feet from where it was from the impact of the bear running into it. The next night we decided to move to another of our favorite campsites in the area… Just as we were going to bed we heard snapping branches. Upon getting to our vehicle we shined the headlights just in time to see 4 cougars take off running into the woods. Needless to say we cut that trip short and went home a few days early. We also now use a hard-sided camp trailer.
A group of us (two large families) decided to beach camp by Grand Coulee Dam. The only way to get to the campsite was by boat. It took three trips on the boat to haul all the gear for the 10 of us. Once we got set up on the beach, we realized there wasn't any shade at all and the beach sand was like lava. The worst part of the trip was that night. The group went to see the laser light show on the dam. The show was great, but the trip back wasn't. We couldn't find our campsite on the river in the dark. It took over an hour (with six cranky kids) to find our little beach. In that time, we almost hit multiple rocks along the shore line and we almost hit a floating outhouse.
A few years ago while camping, my husband and his friend got into a debate on whether they could catch a fish without any fancy fishing gear or bait. They made their own fishing pole by tying an old piece of fishing line they found with an old hook still attached to a stick. Since the stick was not very long, my husband got as close to the edge of the bank as he could to get the line out farther, lost his footing, grabbed out to his friend and they BOTH fell into the water. They were quickly pulled downstream by the fast moving current of the stream (which was more like a river) and were headed straight towards a massive beaver dam. My friend and I had to run down the bank following them and pull them out before they hit the wood.
Years ago my husband and I took three toddlers and three six year olds camping for several days. We had many cuts and scrapes. We ran out of food and wanted to camp longer so we took all the kids on a back road adventure. We saw elk, deer, wild flowers and inbred back roads people selling baloney cheese and bread in their bar/post office/general store/gas station. No mishap happened but it was a great Memorial Day Weekend.
We embarked on a camping adventure with three kids (two not potty trained) and a three-month-old baby for Labor Day Weekend years ago. No one slept well and kids with bare feet whined and complained insistently. During the weekend, my husband split his leg open and ended up with seven stitches in his shin at the ER 30 minutes away. Then one of our friends had a severe bladder infection that required an ER visit 30 minutes away, again. While I was taking her to the ER, the dads all took the kids fishing off the dock. Our second oldest fell in the water and had to be rescued by his dad. Our 3-month-old baby cried non-stop as soon as the temperature reached 85 degrees or higher at about noon every day. Sunday evening our friends suggested we “put this camping trip out of its misery.” I haven’t been camping since!
The funny photo at the top of the article is from pophangover.com. Check it out for more funny camping fail photos.
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