Richland School District Releases Back To School Options
Richland School District is preparing for back to school and they've released several options that the District is possibly looking at for school reopenings.
RSD has several options and they've also sent out several parent surveys to compile their options.
At this time the school district is looking at several options, here is a breakdown of the options that the school district is considering - Our News Partner KNDU broke down the options for you:
Option A: Students continue distance learning at home and through online work.
Option B: A staggered return to school for students. This model is an experimental way of bringing back small amounts of students in waves.
The school district says Option B would focus on bringing back special education students first while having others stay at home for an unknown amount of time.
Option C: Calls for a bit of both in-person learning and distance learning. The schedule in Option C is a 4 day school week in which students would only attend school in person 2 days per week, and learn from home the other days. In this case, Mondays will be reserved for teacher planning.
Option D: Alternates weekly schedules so that only half of the student population is attending school at one time. The alternating weekly schedule will require that assignments are given to students while they are at home, but during that time there will not be accessible to teachers or instruction.
Option E: Calls for the return of all K through 5 elementary school students, but not middle or high school students. Under this option, elementary classes would be maxed out to 20 students per classroom. However, this option cuts music, art and P.E classes. Middle and high school students will only be able to return to school 2 days a week or with alternating weekly schedules.
Option F: The last proposal says it’s okay for all students to return to school without any social distancing, essentially no changes are made in the classroom.
The Richland School District will continue to meet and discuss and are hoping to have a town hall in the near future so parents can weigh in on the options before the final option is decided. You can get more updates as they transpire on the official Richland School District website here.