Around 9am Thursday morning, residents in the 200 block of Goethals Drive in Richland were 'treated' to the sight of a man being Tasered by police for allegedly throwing rocks at homes, breaking windows and resisting arrest.
Taking your children shopping can be an ordeal sometimes, especially if you happen to be tasered by a store clerk. A woman and her plethora of children got kicked out of a mini-mall after her and the children were antagonizing patrons. Once removed from the mini-mall the clerk turned on his camera and continued to argue with the mother and children. In addition to the woman yelling at the clerk
Getting shot with a taser is probably one of the most unpleasant events someone can endure. In this video, a police cadet is willingly on the receiving end of a police taser during his training. Even though he knew it was coming, the cadet broke down prior to, during, and after the shock. From what we understand, this is standard protocol: if you want to use a taser, you have to be tased so yo
Accidents happen, but most the time they can be avoided. For example, this situation. where a New Mexico Police Officer used a Taser a 10-year-old boy after he refused to wash the officer's car.
When officers stopped Matthew Lamb, a 26-year-old from Whitefish, Montana, he was already wanted on charges of robbery. Police were able to get Lamb’s accomplice out of the car, but when they ordered Lamb to step out of the vehicle, he resisted. Then things got nutty.