KIRO-7 TV in Seattle is reporting Seattle Mayor Ed Murray wants to institute a tax on 'sugary drinks' that could raise the price of popular beverages $.2 cents per ounce. Where would the money go?

Murray says it would:

“eliminate the opportunity gap between white students and African American/black students and other historically under-represented students of color"

The tax would cover sodas, energy drink, Gatorade, Arizona Ice Teas and Starbucks bottled drinks. It would be levied on distributors, and could raise the price as much as $1.44 per six pack, depending upon the beverage.

Borrowing a page directly from New York City's former Mayor Bloomberg, who taxed sodas, Murray also claims the plan would fight obesity.

Similar plans have been enacted in Berkeley, CA, and sales dropped noticeably. Murray also says some of the money would go towards funding education, but that depends also upon how the state legislature proceeds with it's education bill in Olympia.

Critics say it's going to hurt distributors and businesses, and people will look outside the city to purchase such beverages.  They also say it will end up hurting local school sports programs, especially those who utilize Gatorade or other such drinks. It will force them to spend more money, actually going against Murray's plan to help education.


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