weird news

Drunk Man Has Sex With Snowman and Gets Frostbite On His Wiener
Drunk Man Has Sex With Snowman and Gets Frostbite On His Wiener
Drunk Man Has Sex With Snowman and Gets Frostbite On His Wiener
There are times when the eyes of an alcoholic reveal a darkness so vast that everything decrepit in the universe appears to makes sense, like a bloodshot looking glass reflecting a message from God - or maybe not. Either way, occasionally a rare breed of sloppy degenerate rises up from the drunken pits of hell to prove to the rest of us that there is a long way to go before we ever hit rock bottom
Worst Thief Ever Gets Arrested After Passing Out Drunk On the Job
Worst Thief Ever Gets Arrested After Passing Out Drunk On the Job
Worst Thief Ever Gets Arrested After Passing Out Drunk On the Job
Drinking on the job is never a good idea, and that goes double when your chosen profession includes illegal activities that can send you to prison. We’re referring, of course, to this Russian dude who was caught having a little post-drinking nap in a woman’s house when he was supposed to be robbing the place. Seriously, it’s just unprofessional.

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