
You Can Now Communicate With Most Prisoners Online!
You Can Now Communicate With Most Prisoners Online!
You Can Now Communicate With Most Prisoners Online!
Remember pen pals? Remember when a stamp could send your feelings across the world, how meaningful and rewarding writing an actual letter was? With today's technology and high-speed EVERYTHING, written letters are more and more of a dying trend -- even behind prison walls...
Here’s The Sure-Fire Way to Follow YOUR Favorite H.S. Football Team This Fall
Here’s The Sure-Fire Way to Follow YOUR Favorite H.S. Football Team This Fall
Here’s The Sure-Fire Way to Follow YOUR Favorite H.S. Football Team This Fall
Living in the sports-loving Mid-Columbia, most people have at least one or more high school football teams they support and follow. Ours is the Kamiakin Braves (son Dhylan plays football and baseball there).  Like many, we try to get to at least two or three home games at Lampson Stadium. But also like many fans, it's nearly impossible to get score updates for road games - and even home games we c
If LOL Is DOA, How Do You Express Laughter on Social Media Now?
If LOL Is DOA, How Do You Express Laughter on Social Media Now?
If LOL Is DOA, How Do You Express Laughter on Social Media Now?
Social media has taken a toll on people’s emotions. It even sways political opinions. When someone posts something on Facebook and it goes viral, the source of that post now has mad credibility. A person like me, I just laugh. But how does one laugh on social media now? The old standby, “LOL,” is apparently going out of style.

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